rescue people

美 [ˈreskjuː ˈpiːpl]英 [ˈreskjuː ˈpiːpl]
  • 营救人们
rescue peoplerescue people
  1. Fire brigades , upon receiving fire reporting , must rush to fire site immediately to rescue people under mishap , eliminate dangerous case and extinguish fire .


  2. A strong boat designed to rescue people from a sinking ship .


  3. No attempt could be made to rescue people trapped inside the fallen buildings .


  4. And emergency teams use them to rescue people from fires and floods .


  5. They rescue people in burning buildings .


  6. Around 1700 emergency staff are working on the sites to rescue people and repair the roads .


  7. The United States military has been helping rescue people and transport emergency supplies by helicopter .


  8. The 40-year-old was killed while trying to rescue people trapped in the World Trade Center .


  9. The firemen climbed ladders to rescue people living above the ground floor .


  10. After the landslide , volunteers worked in relays to rescue people buried under the rubble .


  11. Coast Guard planes , boats and helicopters search for missing boats and rescue people in dangerous situations .


  12. I saw pictures where a lot of streets were under water , and workers were using inflatable boats to rescue people . Right .


  13. Redmond says the UNHCR appreciates the efforts made by Mediterranean States to rescue people in distress at sea .


  14. Thousands of soldiers and officers are on standby to deliver aid and rescue people stranded by the floods .


  15. To search for and rescue people lost , injured or trapped in mountains , collapsed buildings or buried in landslides ;


  16. The Skyhook was an emergency device designed to rescue people in areas that were hard to reach , such as spies in enemy territory .


  17. The estheticians want to reform national character , rescue people 's thought and culture crisis , cure people 's spiritual wound and set up new concept on art and literature and aesthetics .


  18. Emergency workers battled to rescue people trapped in buildings in the city of Van and surrounding districts on the banks of Lake Van , near Turkey 's border with Iran .


  19. Immediately following the12 January quake , the most pressing need was to rescue people and provide life-saving care for patients suffering from major trauma , hundreds of whom underwent amputations .


  20. They take a deep breath , leave nightsticks and hats behind and grab some helmets and oxygen tanks to go into the World Trade Center complex to rescue people trapped inside .


  21. Fire brigades , upon receiving fire reporting , must rush to fire site immediately to rescue people under mishap , eliminate dangerous case and extinguish fire . The astronauts faced risks on the moon never before met by man .


  22. Chinese Civil Law did not provide for the general obligation of civil relief , Stone said that , when the rescue people in danger and need of assistance , the relief person who refused to help , is not a tort does not assume responsibility .


  23. Completely disregarding his own safety , he rushed to rescue the people in danger .


  24. The young hero rescue ten people from the fire single - hand


  25. Overnight we did rescue three people .


  26. A lifeboat came to rescue the people on the sinking ship .


  27. They said paramedics are waiting for a little calm to get into the area and rescue the people .


  28. Fire-proof elevator is the elevator used by firemen to control the fire and rescue the people .


  29. High school senior Jordan McLaughlin , says he was working nearby and helped rescue several people trapped against the wall .


  30. Chinese scientists and engineers are designing drones to help firefighters rescue trapped people , especially in high-rise building fires .
